Care & Repair

5 Maintenance Tips to Increase the Lifespan of Your Car

Maintenance Tips

Cars are expensive investments costing up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. For this reason, ensuring that your car lasts long enough to give you your money’s worth is important. Fortunately, with the right care and maintenance, your car can serve you for years. Here are some maintenance tips that can help you increase your car’s lifespan and offer you peak performance.

Change the Filters Regularly

Changing the oil filter is a crucial maintenance task as it helps reduce engine debris that can cause damage over time. Not only will you improve engine performance and gas mileage, but you’ll also save yourself more expensive repairs down the road. Fortunately, changing filters is straightforward, and with the right information and tools, you can easily do it yourself.

Minimize Modifications

Any large modifications, including adding power upgrades or altering the exhaust, should be avoided as they strain the engine components, leading to decreased life expectancy. Furthermore, any changes to the vehicle’s original design may void its warranty and be illegal in some states or countries.

Modifications can also compromise safety if proper safety checks are not followed. If you have to make modifications, ensure you work with a certified mechanic and purchase items from genuine dealers like XK Glow to keep your car safe and add quality modifications.

Check the Tires

You need to ensure that your tires’ pressure and tread depth are optimal. Under-inflated tires can lead to increased fuel consumption, decreased grip when driving, and increased wear on the treads. It is also wise to inspect any potential punctures, cracks or bulging to avoid damage. If you are not confident about inspecting the tires yourself, consider taking your vehicle for a professional check-up.

Create and Stick to a Service Schedule

Vehicle service can greatly reduce the chance of an unexpected breakdown and improve the longevity of your car. To ensure this, you must create and adhere to a regular service schedule. Depending on the car’s age, the schedule could include everything from oil changes and tune-ups to tire rotations and brake inspections. Deviating from this schedule can lead to more frequent repairs and even costly engine damage over time.

Store It Well

One of the best ways to maintain your car and increase its lifespan is to store it well. This includes keeping it in a garage or any space that protects it from sun, rain and snow. Use a breathable car cover where possible to keep dust and debris out of exposed areas such as the dashboard and interior.

Consider using a battery tender or trickle charger to help maintain the charge when the car is stored for an extended period. It’s also a good idea to pour fuel stabilizer into the gas tank before storing your car if you don’t plan on using it for three months or more. It helps prevent corrosion in the tank, fuel pump and injectors.

The longevity of your car largely depends on how you maintain it. Keeping up with routine service can go a long way in keeping your car running smoothly for longer periods. It is also important to minimize modifications to the vehicle, replace filters regularly, check the tires consistently, and find a storage solution that fits you if you won’t be using the car for a while. Another effective tip is to prioritize servicing at regular intervals.


Krzysztof Willman
Krzysztof Willman is an automotive aficionado and technical expert whose fascination with engines and mechanics started at a young age. With a background in engineering and a deep understanding of automotive technology, Krzysztof brings a unique perspective to his writing. His articles delve into the intricacies of car design, performance enhancements, and the ever-evolving world of electric and hybrid vehicles. When he's not dissecting engines or poring over technical specs, Krzysztof enjoys weekend track days and DIY automotive projects.

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